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Properties of scandium

ЗмістPhysical properties of scandiumChemical properties of scandiumAtomic and Electronic Properties of scandiumOccurrence and Uses Scandium is a chemical element with the symbol Sc and atomic number 21. Here are some properties of scandium: Physical properties of scandium Chemical properties of scandium Atomic and Electronic Properties of scandium Occurrence and Uses It’s important to note that …

Properties of calcium

ЗмістPhysical properties of calciumChemical properties of calciumBiological role of calciumOccurrence and Uses Calcium is a chemical element with the symbol Ca and atomic number 20. It is an essential mineral for the human body and is required for various biological processes. Here are some key properties of calcium: Physical properties of calcium Chemical properties of …



Acids are complex substances composed of hydrogen atoms that can be replaced by metals and acidic residues.

Sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a colorless, viscous liquid and is one of the most important chemical substances. It is a strong acid with high reactivity and is widely used in the industry. Also known as: sulphuric acid. Chemical properties of sulfuric acid It’s important to note that H2SO4 is highly corrosive and dangerous, requiring careful …

Hydrochloric acid

Хлоридна кислота

ЗмістDiscovery of Hydrochloric AcidChemical Properties of Hydrochloric AcidProduction of Hydrochloric AcidApplications of Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a chemical compound composed of chlorine (Cl) and hydrogen (H). Other names: hydrogen chloride, muriatic acid. It has the chemical formula HCl and is one of the most common and essential acidic compounds. Hydrochloric acid is highly …



ЗмістPhysical Properties of XenonChemical Properties of XenonIsotopes of XeProduction of XeApplications of Xenon Xenon (Xe) is a chemical element that belongs to the noble gases in the periodic table. Here are some general facts about xenon: Physical Properties of Xenon The main physical properties of Xe include the following: These physical properties of Xe make …

Properties of hydrogen

Hydrogen is a chemical element with the symbol H and atomic number 1. It is the lightest element in the periodic table and is also the most abundant element in the universe, accounting for around 75% of its elemental mass. Physical properties of hydrogen Chemical properties of hydrogen Other properties

Properties of gold

ЗмістPhysical properties of goldChemical properties goldOther Properties goldІsotopes of gold Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. Physical properties of gold Chemical properties gold Other Properties gold Іsotopes of gold Gold has one stable isotope, which is 197Au, meaning it has 197 nucleons (protons and neutrons) in its nucleus. …

Properties of francium

Francium is an extremely rare and unstable metal with the atomic number 87 and symbol Fr. Because it is so rare and unstable, only a very small amount of information is known about its properties. Alkali metal. Physical properties of francium Due to its rarity and instability, very few physical properties of francium have been …

Properties of cesium

Cesium is a highly reactive alkali metal with the atomic number 55 and symbol Cs. Physical properties of cesium Here are some of its physical properties: Overall, cesium has unique physical properties, such as its low melting point, low boiling point, and high reactivity, that make it a valuable element for various applications in science …